O Clube Cardinalista

No meu trabalho, eu estou envolvido em um projeto de estimação de pesos na função de bem-estar social. Lendo alguns textos base da literatura, eu esbarrei neste trecho do grande Colin Clark:
'Sir Roy Harrod has declared that cardinal utility is necessary in dynamic analysis. With this I am in complete agreement. It is indeed the gospel which I have tried to preach for nearly a generation. The idea that cardinal utility should be avoided in economic theory is completely sterile ... derived from one special and narrow part of theory viz. static equilibrium.' (Frisch, 1964) Sir Dennis Robertson also always remained a strong 'cardinalist', and welcomed recruits to the Cardinal Club, for which indeed he offered to design a club tie."
Um Clube Cardinalista! Que ótima idéia! Imaginem o diálogo:
-"Sir,como está o seu drink?"
-"Ótimo, a utilidade marginal do último foi de uns 4 utis".

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