The cotton boom and slavery in 19th rural Egypt por Saleh

Paper bacana sobre os impactos da guerra civil americana na escravidão no cultivo do algodão no Egito. (A abolição também chegou tarde por lá: 1877. Fiquei surpreso, pois, baseado no modelo de Domar, eu chutaria que teria terminado bem mais cedo.)

Um comentário:

Axaxaxas Mlö disse...

Dear professor,

Given your interest in this issue, I strongly recommend you read the following texts written by somebody who calls himself "Pseudoerasmus" . He is a great (if anonymous) economic historian IMHO.

Although these are good, the best post that he made until now is almost an article-size essay about pro-social behavior and its roots in culture, institutions and cognitive traits:

Professor Jesús Alfaro (Autonomous University of Madrid) has translated it to Spanish:

I hope you like them.

Best regards,


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