Conferência sobre Desenvolvimento

O clio econ Fabio Pesavento pede para que eu divulgue o seguinte evento:

International Seminar on Development:
updating concepts, assessing practices

: Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal Fluminense - Rua Tiradentes, 17, Ingá, Niterói. Telefones: 2629-9735, 2629-9698.
Data: 5 de novembro de 2007

Countries with high levels of inequality and relatively low levels of economic development face the challenge of imagining a development model which is not only socially inclusive but also environmentally responsible.

In fact, available evidence points to a non harmonic relationship between economic growth, social development and responsible environmental practices. As far as the first relationship is concerned, part of the problem seems to derive from the inequality in the distribution of income and wealth, while another part stems from political economic factors that are detrimental to a plainly re-distributive public provision of goods and services. When it comes to the second relationship, between growth and the environment, a number of tensions emerge mainly due to environmental practices often strained by the demands of growth and, ultimately, increasing consumption patterns.

These facts raise questions related to the conceptualization of development. Can we think of a concept of development which incorporates in its very core and not only as a peripheral and derivative theme, the social and the environmental dimensions? Can we think of a concept of development in which quality of life as assessed and reported by individuals themselves is expressed, both objectively and subjectively? And as far as the specific context of developing countries is concerned, what is the appropriate notion of development in the context of less developed economies facing a high level of integration in an increasingly asymmetric and unregulated global economy? Questions of agency are also important: who should be the agents of a re-conceptualized development? Last but not least, questions of operationalization of new concepts are paramount: how to assess development and then promote it?

The purpose of the seminar is to stimulate reflection on these problems, benefiting from the expertise and insights of invited Brazilian and international scholars.

Preliminary program

9:00h - Opening session

9:30 - 12:45

Peter Evans (University of California, Berkeley):

"The capability approach as an orientation for development"

Alessandro Vercelli (University of Siena):

"Happiness, health and sustainable development"

Antonio de Barros Castro (UFRJ-BNDES):

"Development and the state"

Lunch break: 12:45 – 14:00

14:00 – 17:00

Lionello Punzo (University of Siena):

Leonardo Burlamaqui (Ford Foundation)

"Development and financial regulation"

Gary Dymski (University of California, Sacramento)

"Development as social inclusion"

Organizing committee:

: Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky (coordinator of the Inequality and Development Center) – email:

Vice- coordinators
: Carmem Feijó – email:, and Claude Cohen (vicecoordinator of the Inequality and Development Center) – email:

Bianca Imbiriba (Ph.D. Student) – email: ; Carolina Cavalcante (Ph.D student) - email:, Paula Nabuco (graduate student) - email:

We are very grateful to CAPES/MEC, PROPP/UFF, FAPERJ and MINDS for financial support.

2 comentários:

Thomas H. Kang disse...

Interessante evento! Pena que me obrigaria a matar aulas de econometria.

fábio pesavento disse...

tenho q atualizar meu Lattes ehehe

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