8th Spatial Econometrics and Statistics workshop

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to invite you to Besançon, France, to participate to
the 8th edition of the Spatial Econometrics and Statistics Workshop,
which will be held on June 1-2, 2009. This workshop aims at reinforcing
and stimulating the interactions between well established and young
researchers involved in spatial statistics and econometrics.
Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.

You are invited to submit your paper or long abstract (6 pages)
electronically to the following email address:
spatial2009@univ-fcomte.fr. The deadline for submission of
abstracts/papers is February 15th, 2009. Notification of acceptance will
be sent by March 20, 2009. The call for papers is enclosed.

More information concerning the workshop is available at :
http://sew2009.univ-fcomte.fr/index.htm or

We are looking forward to meeting you in Besançon.

Best regards,
Julie Le Gallo

(for the scientific and organizing committees)

2 comentários:

berman disse...

lugar ruim, hein? hehehe!

leo, to com o ubuntu, mas nao sei mecher em nada! tentei instalar o R e desisti! hehe! o custo de entrada está sendo alto! abraço!

Leo Monasterio disse...


Tudo beleza? Por que vc acha que eu postei a foto? Deve ser sensacional mesmo o lugar.
Sobre o r-
Basta usar o synaptics (menu Administration) e procure por " r- " .
Para rodar, vc tem que digitar R (em maiusculo mesmo no terminal). Marque tudo relacionado com o programa.

Tem um monte de interfaces graficas (mas eu uso o gvim com plug-in para o R).
Boa sorte! (E vai estudar, rapaz!!!)

Tecnologia do Blogger.