A manufatura é necessária para um país?
Chang versus Bhagwati. Eu votei pelo "não".
"Capitalism has triumphed in our time, which I claim is a good thing, though boring";
"Air travel is very simple and annoying and a cause of anxiety. It is like being to the dentist's even to the chairs";
"Qualquer país com mais de uma estátua da mesma pessoa tem problemas profundos"
"One irreverent suggestion is that a region means an area which a regional economist gets a grant to study."
Every Taco Bell, McDonald's (MCD), Wendy's (WEN), and Burger King is a little factory, with a manager who oversees three dozen workers, devises schedules and shifts, keeps track of inventory and the supply chain, supervises an assembly line churning out a quality-controlled, high-volume product, and takes in revenue of $1 million to $3 million a year, all with customers who show up at the front end of the factory at all hours of the day to buy the product.Por fim, quanto do valor de um tênis nike de R$500 foi produzido em atividades típicas do setor de serviços: propaganda, design? E o setor agrícola moderno e sua relação com as atividades financeiras, seguros e P&D?
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