Feliz Natal
Dia 25 de Dezembro é uma data muito importante mesmo.
"Poupança e identidade contábil
Um dos grandes problemas da análise econômica atual é a confusão de identidade com relações de causalidade. A “identidade” é um conceito contábil. Tem-se uma equação, se aumenta algum indicador de um dos lados, reduz o do outro.
Por exemplo, quando o país tem enormes saldos comerciais, segundo o conceito de identidade ele está “exportando poupança”. País pobre não poderia exportar poupança, mas sim importar. Logo, para conseguir “importar poupança” ele teria que gerar déficits em conta corrente.
Confesso que nunca entendi direito essa identidade. A empresa que exporta acumula recursos que revertem em investimento físico. Na própria China, o excepcional superávit chinês convive com altas taxas de investimento de empresas voltadas para a exportação. Onde, as relações de causalidade?"
Deadline approaching for the 2008 World Congress of RSAI in Brazil
Submit your paper at www.aber.fea.usp.br/rsai2008
The 8th World Congress of RSAI will be organized by the Brazilian Regional Science Association (ABER – Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais) and will be hosted by the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting of the University of São Paulo, Brazil (www.fea.usp.br), on March 17-19, 2008.
It will have the same format as the regular RSA meetings, with regular sessions, R-sessions, panels, etc.
Papers from all fields in regional science are welcome.
Submit your paper at www.aber.fea.usp.br/rsai2008.
RSAI World Congress 2008 Local Organizing Committee
"In a community lacking pure-water supplies, the closest thing to "pure" fluid" was alcohol. Whatever the risks were posed by beer (and later wine) in the early days of agrarian settlements were more than offset by alcohol's antibacterial properties. Dying of cirrhosis of the liver in your forties was better than dying of dysentery in your twenties... To digest large quantities of (alcohol), you need to be able to boost production of enzymes called alcohol dehydrogenases, a trait regulated by a set of genes on chromosome four in human DNA. Many early agrarians lacked that trait, and thus were genetically incapable of "holding their liquor". Consequently, many of them died childless at an early age, either from alcohol abuse or from waterborne diseases... Most of the world's population is made up of descendants of those early beer drinkers, and we have largely inherited their genetic tolerance to alcohol."A propósito, eu recomendo fortemente o livro. É um sensacional relato do papel dos preconceitos científicos e conta a historia do mapa que iniciou a análise espacial. Desmancha prazer: é um mito que John Snow descobriu a fonte do surto de cólera depois de desenhar o mapa. Na verdade, ele o desenhou para convencer os outros que a água, e não o miasma, era responsável pela disseminação da doença.
a história é ótima e está relacionada com a disseminação do café na Europa.
Quando o café foi introduzido na Europa Oriental, no final do século XV e início do século XVI, foi logo saudado como uma bebida saudável, o "vinho do Islã", como diziam.
Entre as virtudes da bebida estavam: (a) o fato de ser tomada com água fervida (o que mata o vibrião do cólera); (b) o fato de ser estimulante e aumentar a produtividade do trabalho (nesse ponto o vinho e a cerveja perdem feio); (c) não ser uma bebida alcóolica e (d) ser um tanto exótica, o que facilitou a aceitação da bebida pela nobreza européia.
Foi neste período que Bach a "Cantata do Café".
O curioso é que na Inglaterra e na Alemanha houve reação dos cervejeiros alemães e ingleses contra o café.
Na Alemanha a disseminação do café foi bem mais lenta.
O curioso é que as mulheres inglesas foram influenciadas pelos cervejeiros e diziam que o café tirava a virilidade que os seus maridos que, depois de umas cervejinhas, cumpriam suas obrigações maritais.
A mulherada dizia que o café os tornavam "áridos como as areias da Arábia", numa crítica ao hábito dos persas de beberem café."
"the tannic acid released in the steeping process kills off those bacteria that haven't already perished during the boiling of the water. The explosion of tea drinking in the late 1700s was, from the bacteria's point of view, a microbial holocaust."
"Mais um golpe no liberalismo econômico ortodoxo foi dado ontem pela Real Academia Sueca de Ciências"A frase é perfeita para o Prêmio Eço. Começa com um "mais um golpe" como se os suecos tivessem dado o sopapo final na ortodoxia. "Liberalismo econômico ortodoxo" também é uma jóia lapidada por Emir Sader e cia. E, por fim, um erro factual: o Banco Central Sueco, e não a Academia de Ciências, confere o Nobel de Economia.
International Seminar on Development:
updating concepts, assessing practices
: Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal Fluminense - Rua Tiradentes, 17, Ingá, Niterói. Telefones: 2629-9735, 2629-9698.
Data: 5 de novembro de 2007
Countries with high levels of inequality and relatively low levels of economic development face the challenge of imagining a development model which is not only socially inclusive but also environmentally responsible.
In fact, available evidence points to a non harmonic relationship between economic growth, social development and responsible environmental practices. As far as the first relationship is concerned, part of the problem seems to derive from the inequality in the distribution of income and wealth, while another part stems from political economic factors that are detrimental to a plainly re-distributive public provision of goods and services. When it comes to the second relationship, between growth and the environment, a number of tensions emerge mainly due to environmental practices often strained by the demands of growth and, ultimately, increasing consumption patterns.
These facts raise questions related to the conceptualization of development. Can we think of a concept of development which incorporates in its very core and not only as a peripheral and derivative theme, the social and the environmental dimensions? Can we think of a concept of development in which quality of life as assessed and reported by individuals themselves is expressed, both objectively and subjectively? And as far as the specific context of developing countries is concerned, what is the appropriate notion of development in the context of less developed economies facing a high level of integration in an increasingly asymmetric and unregulated global economy? Questions of agency are also important: who should be the agents of a re-conceptualized development? Last but not least, questions of operationalization of new concepts are paramount: how to assess development and then promote it?
The purpose of the seminar is to stimulate reflection on these problems, benefiting from the expertise and insights of invited Brazilian and international scholars.
Preliminary program
9:00h - Opening session
9:30 - 12:45
Peter Evans (University of California, Berkeley):
"The capability approach as an orientation for development"
Alessandro Vercelli (University of Siena):
"Happiness, health and sustainable development"
Antonio de Barros Castro (UFRJ-BNDES):
"Development and the state"
Lunch break: 12:45 – 14:00
14:00 – 17:00
Lionello Punzo (University of Siena):
Leonardo Burlamaqui (Ford Foundation)
"Development and financial regulation"
Gary Dymski (University of California, Sacramento)
"Development as social inclusion"
Organizing committee:
: Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky (coordinator of the Inequality and Development Center) – email: celiakersten@gmail.com
Vice- coordinators
: Carmem Feijó – email: cfeijo@terra.com.br, and Claude Cohen (vicecoordinator of the Inequality and Development Center) – email: claudecohen@economia.uff.br
Bianca Imbiriba (Ph.D. Student) – email: biancaimbiriba@gmail.com ; Carolina Cavalcante (Ph.D student) - email: cmcavalcante@gmail.com, Paula Nabuco (graduate student) - email: pnabuco@bol.com.br
We are very grateful to CAPES/MEC, PROPP/UFF, FAPERJ and MINDS for financial support.
O elevado desemprego enfrentado pelo país pode ser minimizado com um aumento real de 11% no salário mínimo -hoje de R$ 240 por mês-, o que significaria a injeção de cerca de R$ 50 bilhões na massa de rendimento do trabalho no biênio 2004 e 2005.
Claudio Dedecca, professor do Cesit (Centro de Estudos Sindicais e de Economia do Trabalho), da Unicamp, que fez os cálculos, entende que, no curto prazo, a elevação do salário mínimo é a forma mais rápida de o país aumentar os postos de trabalho.
"Com aumento real de 11% no salário mínimo, a população vai consumir mais e, conseqüentemente, isso vai estimular a economia. Essa seria uma política factível de geração de emprego num prazo mais curto", diz Dedecca.
"Em um momento em que se discutem possibilidades de políticas a favor do crescimento, a do salário mínimo é, sem dúvida, uma das mais valiosas, pois favorece diretamente a elevação da demanda corrente, isto é, do nível de atividade", cita Dedecca num estudo sobre o impacto do salário mínimo na economia brasileira.
O aumento do salário mínimo, diz, teria impacto nas negociações salariais de várias categorias profissionais, já que é o "farol das remunerações do mercado de trabalho, independentemente do tipo de relação do trabalho".
Uma política de salário mínimo, diz, teria dois efeitos no país: um movimento generalizado de aumento de renda dos mais pobres e a elevação da participação dos mais pobres na renda nacional. "Esses efeitos poderiam ser ainda potencializados, em uma trajetória de crescimento econômico, pela geração de empregos", afirma Dedecca."
"Replete of prices and profits, acres and hand, economic science is the most measurable of all social sciences”.
"I studied economics in college. One thing I’ve noticed is that other people who have studied economics tend to think a similar way. Some of the similarity is probably because it takes a certain kind of person to be interested in economics in the first place. But I’m convinced that the study of economics changes brains in a way I can identify after about five minutes of conversation. In particular, I think the study of economics makes you relatively immune to cognitive dissonance.
The primary skill of an economist is identifying all of the explanations for various phenomena. Cognitive dissonance is, at its core, the inability to recognize and accept other explanations. I’m oversimplifying, but you get the point. The more your brain is trained for economics, the less it is susceptible to cognitive dissonance, or so it seems.
The joke about economists is that they are always using the phrase “On the other hand.” Economists are trained to recognize all sides of an argument. That seems like an easy and obvious skill, but in my experience, the general population lacks that skill. Once people take a side, they interpret any argument on the other side as absurd. In other words, they are relatively susceptible to cognitive dissonance."
"Theory is distilled history."
Brad Delong
The Ronald Coase Institute
First Asia Workshop on Institutional Analysis
January 5-10, 2008 Singapore
Co-sponsored by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy/
Asia Competitiveness Institute, National University of Singapore
Apply by September 30, 2007
Attend this inaugural workshop in Asia to
• Learn more about institutional analysis
• Present your current research and receive comments from established scholars
• Become part of a worldwide network of institutional scholars.
Who is eligible?
• Postdoctoral social scientists - early in their careers
• Advanced graduate students - in economics, political science, and other social sciences
• Scholars from developing/transitional countries in Asia are particularly invited to apply.
Participants will be selected on the basis of their research abstracts. Admission is strictly limited,
and the pace is intense. Participants must attend all sessions and give as well as receive feedback.
As a participant, you will
Hear established scholars discuss their strategies to formulate research questions, design
projects, and draw important and practical conclusions.
Make two presentations of your own research
(1) in a small group, receiving faculty guidance
(2) after revisions, to the entire workshop, with discussion following.
Network through close, informal contacts with faculty and workshop alumni from
50 countries who have an enduring interest in institutional analysis.
How to apply (deadline September 30, 2007)
E-mail an abstract - 350 words maximum - of a current research project of yours, plus
a one-page curriculum vitae, to workshop2008sg@coase.org. Work already published
is not eligible.
At the top of your abstract, list the title, your name, and the number of words in the abstract.
Any co-authors must be listed here.
On your one-page CV, list your current professional status and the academic degrees you have
received, with university, year, and field of study. Also include your citizenship, date of birth,
and country of residence. Give as references the names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers
of two scholars familiar with you and your work.
As e-mail subject line, use Application for 2008 Singapore Workshop. Please attach your
abstract and CV as Microsoft Word files, using filenames yyy abstract.doc and yyy cv.doc
where yyy is your surname.
Abstracts will be judged on the clarity and importance of the research question, and on their institutional focus. Please do not submit any longer documents, as they will not be read.
The cost of the workshop - tuition and meals - is $2395 USD. This does not include hotel accommodations or travel expenses.
Some fellowships will be awarded competitively to scholars from developing and transitional countries, for tuition, meals, and hotel accommodations. If you wish to be considered for a fellowship, you must state that in your application. Tuition and meal costs for participants who are Singaporeans, Singapore permanent residents, or faculty members of Singapore universities will be covered through the sponsors.
At the close of the workshop, participants may submit papers based on their workshop projects
to the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, to be considered for publication in a special volume
produced by the School.
For more information about the Ronald Coase Institute and its previous workshops, see
Entrepreneurial Risk and the Geographical Concentration of Industries: Evidence from the UK Manufacturing Sector.This paper provides an analysis of the effects that conditions of imperfect information and irreversibility of investment exert on location decisions, and subsequently produce some empirical evidence in support of those theoretical results, by looking into the concentration of manufacturing industries in the UK. We analyse the location decision of a firm that has to undertake a non-recoverable investment in order to enter a new market. Localities are characterised by their level of efficiency. The potential entrant faces two types of uncertainty: 1) industry profits are aleatory and 2) the characteristics of the single localities are unknown. Due to the existence of sunk costs and uncertainty over future profits the potential entrant faces the risk of producing losses from the venture (entrepreneurial risk). Our main hypothesis is that agents will use the location of existing plants in the industry to infer information on the characteristics of the single localities: the existence of an industry in a locality signals “good” local endowments. As a consequence, the expected level of profits conditional on the locality being “active” will be higher than the unconditional. This difference is bigger the higher the variability of industry profits. Our main prediction is that high-risk industries will be more concentrated geographically, ceteris paribus. We test this hypothesis on the geographical distribution of manufacturing activity in the UK. We do so by running a series of linear regressions of NACE Rev.1 4-digit industries’ Ellison and Glaeser’s gammas on a measure of entrepreneurial risk, after controlling for transport costs, natural resource intensity and Marshallian economies of agglomeration. Our results confirm a significant positive effect of entrepreneurial risk on geographical concentration. As additional contributions, a new proxy for vertical linkages is introduced, which performs consistently better than the alternatives used in previous empirical studies, and a discussion on how to proxy for transport costs in studies of the geographical concentration of industries are carried out.
Hello, I must be going.
I cannot stay,
I came to say
I must be going.
I'm glad I came
but just the same
I must be going.
A ministra da Casa Civil, Dilma Rousseff, negou hoje que o aumento da carga tributária tenha sido decorrência do aumento de tributos. Segundo ela, o que aumentou foi o PIB e, conseqüentemente, a arrecadação.
Ontem a Receita Federal anunciou que em 2006 a carga tributária bateu novo recorde de 34,23% do PIB.
Growth with Inequality: Living Standards in Mexico 1850-1950
Moramay Lopez-Alonso (Rice University)
"This article focuses on trends in the adult heights of various sectors of Mexican society between 1850 and 1950 as a proxy for their biological and material standards of living. The evolution of biological standards of living is an alternative way to assess whether or not economic development after 1850 was beneficial to the population, using a proxy that relies on a basic natural characteristic, adult height. The recruitment records of the Mexican rural and federal militia provide us with information on the secular trends of heights of the Mexican labouring classes, while a database of passport applications allows us to compare the evolution of living standards across social classes. It is argued that the benefits of industrialisation and improved economic performance fostered by the Dıá regime (1876–1910) did not have a favourable impact on the biological wellbeing of the labouring population. There are, however, signs of improvement in living standards with the launching of welfare programmes at the end of the Cárdenas administration. In contrast, the average height of the elites increased throughout the period, suggesting that there was a growing disparity in the evolution of living standards between social classes"
"Instituições e Diferenças de Renda entre os Estados Brasileiros: Uma análise histórica"
Naércio Menezes-Filho (IBMEC / USP) , Renato Leite Marcondes (FEA-RP/USP), Elaine Toldo Pazello (FEA-RP/USP), Luiz Guilherme Scorzafave (FEA-RP/USP)
Neste artigo utilizamos a qualidade das instituições atuais e elementos históricos para examinar os determinantes das diferenças de PIB per capita entre os estados brasileiros. Utilizamos uma abordagem empírica para testar a hipótese de que as condições geográficas dos diferentes estados geraram um conjunto de instituições e políticas que visavam a preservar a desigualdade, acabando por reduzir o crescimento econômico nos estados mais desiguais. Analisamos a escravidão, a alfabetização e o acesso ao voto no passado como exemplos de instituições destinadas a manter o status quo e os efeitos da imigração estrangeira como atenuantes deste círculo vicioso. Apesar do reduzido número de observações, as correlações observadas entre essas variáveis e a regressão estimada mostram-se consistentes com estas hipóteses
"The state of the market in a (nation) state-less economy: Argentina at mid-nineteenth century”
María Alejandra Irigoin (The College of New Jersey) & Colin M. Lewis (London School of Economics & Political Science)
The lack of a nation-wide state, endowed with the full attributes of statehood, has led historians (including economic historians) to assume that the modern development of Argentina started in 1880. Namely, that growth became possible only after political turmoil, which characterised the pre-1850s decades, was brought to an end and market-friendly institutions resulting from ‘national consolidation’ were set in place. This paper challenges those assumptions by assembling and evaluating material which suggests that a system of exchange and market production that originated in the colonial economy survived through the revolutionary and early national periods, and even flourished after the 1820s. Recently available data on population, production, trade, commodities, and money and finance facilitate a reassessment of the extent of market production, the behaviour of agents, the organisation of economic activity, and changes in factor allocation in response to regional and international demand. In focussing on the domestic market and internal commercial and monetary networks during the transition from the colonial to the post-Independence economy, the paper maintains that these institutions functioned despite the absence of a nation-wide state. Exploring the ‘state of the market’ in a (national) state-less economy, the paper seeks to re-evaluate the economic consequences of Independence.
The colonial Legacy as a Determinant of Regional Per Capita Income in Colombia
Jaime Bonet, Adolfo Meisel Roca (Banco de la Republica)
Using the Colombian regional experience, this paper introduces new evidence for the analysis of the long-run determinants in per capita income differences. Colombia has experienced significant and persistent regional income disparities. Based on the recent international literature about this topic, we test the relevance of institutions, geography and culture in explaining those differences. Although we establish that colony legacy has had an important impact on the regional income differences in Colombia, it is not easy to know the way through which this legacy influenced outcomes: institutions or human capital. However, human capital seems to play a stronger role than institutions.
Disparidades regionais no Brasil na primeira metade do século XX: Minas
Gerais e São Paulo em perspectiva comparada
Tarcisio R. Botelho (PUC-MG)
O objetivo do paper é apresentar uma proposta metodológica de classificação de ocupações para o passado. O ponto de partida será a aplicação de uma codificação padronizada de ocupações, a HISCO (Historical International Standard Classification of Occupation), baseada na ISCO, utilizada na produção de estatísticas contemporâneas sobre ocupação e mercado de trabalho. A partir da HISCO, é possível recuperar a distribuição da população economicamente ativa segundo os setores econômicos. Pretende-se evidenciar alguns aspectos das desigualdades econômicas intra e inter-regionais a partir de listas nominativas de habitantes da década de 1830 disponíveis para as províncias de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Simultaneamente, será feita a análise da estratificação social a partir das declarações de ocupação reagrupando-as em conformidade com o modelo HISCLASS (Maas, Leeuwen, 2005), uma adaptação para períodos históricos do modelo de Goldthorpe (Erikson, Goldthorpe, 1992). Ao lado das informações derivadas das declarações de ocupação, pretende-se agregar ao modelo HISCLASS outras dimensões fundamentais para a descrição de status social na América latina, notadamente a condição social (se livre ou escrava) e a cor/raça.
El potencial de mercado en las regiones españolas, 1860-1930.
Julio Martínez Galarraga (Universidad de Barcelona)
En este artículo se lleva a cabo la elaboración del potencial de mercado de las regiones españolas para los años 1860, 1900, 1914 y 1930, para un nivel de desagregación provincial y regional. Por un lado, la disponibilidad de estimaciones del potencial de mercado resulta una variable de gran relevancia para el análisis empírico de las predicciones teóricas dentro de la Nueva Geografía Económica. Por otro lado, desde la historia económica, la aparición del estudio de Crafts (2005) para la economía británica antes de la I Guerra Mundial, sirve como referencia a la hora de obtener estimaciones del potencial de mercado comparables internacionalmente. En este caso, se plantea el estudio de la dinámica seguida por esta variable durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primer tercio del siglo XX, vinculado a las diferentes opciones de política comercial implementada por los gobiernos españoles durante el período estudiado. Así, se puede analizar el impacto sobre la distribución regional del ingreso que tuvo el progresivo cierre al exterior de la economía española desde la última década del siglo XIX, en lo que la literatura ha denominado nacionalismo económico español.
Políticas públicas e disparidades regionais: o caso da zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (1925/1940)
Nicélio do Amaral Barros (Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social das Relações Políticas – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo)-
O objetivo central do trabalho é analisar o deslocamento dos eixos político e econômico em Minas Gerais durante a década de 1930. Analisamos como o complexo cafeeiro da zona da Mata foi sobrepujado, neste processo, pela região centro-metalúrgica, especializada no setor siderúrgico. Para tanto, partimos em primeiro lugar da análise teórica de três aspectos fundamentais para se chegar ao foco do estudo: a) os impactos da crise internacional de 1929, fato que influenciou em mudanças na política econômica da maioria dos países latino-americanos; b) a política econômica do governo brasileiro entre 1920 e 1930 e; c) a ação das elites nacionais diante do projeto varguista de industrialização na década de 1930. Em seguida, abordamos as mudanças ocorridas no segmento urbano-industrial do complexo cafeeiro sediado na cidade de Juiz de Fora, na zona da Mata mineira, durante as décadas de 1920 e 1930, em especial no período pós-1929. Para tanto, são analisadas fontes primárias, como processos de falências de sociedades anônimas e firmas limitadas dos ramos industrial, financeiro e comercial. Por fim, procuraremos detectar a ascensão da burguesia sediada em Belo Horizonte, capital de Minas Gerais, no pós-1930.
In this paper the shift of the political and economical axis of coffee production of the zona da Mata, in the state of Minas Gerais, during the 1930’s and the way it was prevailed over by the central metallurgical region, mainly directed to iron and steel industry, is analyzed. The study starts from the theoretical analysis of three basics aspects: a) the shock of the 1929 crisis, which led to changes in the economic policy in most Latin-American countries; b) the economic policy of the brazilian government from 1920 through 1930; and c) the modus operandi of brazilian upper classes concerning president Vargas’s project of industrialization during the 1930’s. Next, changes are analyzed which occurred in the urban and industrial sectors of coffee economy, centered in Juiz de Fora, in the zona da Mata, during the 1920’s and 1930’s, especially during the post-1920 period. In order to reach this aim, primary sources are analyzed, such as bankruptcy proceedings of business corporations and limited companies in the industrial, financial and comercial sectors. Lastly, an effort was made to identify the rise of the bourgeoisie in Belo Horizonte, the capital city of the Minas Gerais, during the post-1930 period. The project, as well as the accomplishment of this class so as to secure admittance to the decision areas of Minas Gerais government, are discussed.
A questão regional no Brasil e a ação do Estado – 1930-1990
Hermes Magalhães Tavares
The Brazilian Economy is made of a typical case of unfair development. Throughout the 20th Century, several images have been used to illustrate the regional Dynamics. First, “The Archepelago Economy”- a period in which the country was formed by several relatively autonomous regions that rarely communicated to one another. Secondly, “The Two Brasis”, a dual focus which did not integrate and, futhermore: the second one pushed the development of the country out of the first one. Finally, the middle-sorrounding model, considered by some as a variant of the second. Whatever approach we might use, the inter-regional labor division has been strictly unfair, which is a question that follows the Brazilian Economy under the sponsorship of the industrial capital. On this essay, we will deal with the Brazilian regional matter between the period of 1930 and 1990, pointing out the actions of the State related to it. Secondary data and other history elements have been used so that the matter is analyzed in its more relevant aspects and moments.
A economia brasileira constitui um caso típico de desenvolvimento desigual. Ao longo do século XX, diversas imagens foram utilizadas para ilustrar a dinâmica regional. Em primeiro lugar, a “economia de arquipélago” – fase em que o país era formado por várias regiões relativamente autônomas, que se articulavam escassamente. Em segundo, “os dois brasis”, enfoque dual que considerava o país constituído por dois segmentos – o Centro-Sul e o Nordeste-Norte – que não se integravam e mais: o segundo segmento emperrava o desenvolvimento do país a partir do primeiro. Em terceiro, o modelo centro-periferia, considerado por alguns como variante do segundo modelo. Qualquer que seja a abordagem, uma divisão inter-regional do trabalho bastante desigual; questão regional que atravessa a economia brasileira sob a égide do capital industrial. Este trabalho trata da questão regional brasileira, no período de 1930 a 1990, destacando a ação do Estado em relação a essa. Usam-se dados secundários e outros elementos da historiografia, com o objetivo de analisar essa questão em seus aspectos e momentos mais relevantes. "
Desenvolvimento Econômico do Rio Grande do Sul
Nali de Jesus de Souza (PUC-RS)
Procurou-se identificar os fatores do desenvolvimento do RS desde o Século 18. A economia originou-se da extração de erva-mate e da produção de couros e charque. Com a chegada dos imigrantes, a agropecuária diversificou-se e surgiram as primeiras indústrias. Conflitos com o governo federal provocaram Revoluções no RS. Os principais fatores de seu desenvolvimento foram: agricultura mecanizada e exportadora (arroz, trigo e soja); criação de programas estaduais de desenvolvimento e incentivos públicos; implantação de empresas públicas e atração de investimentos. Isso neutralizou impactos de fatores climáticos, conjunturais e de políticas nacionais desfavoráveis, como valorização cambial, que afetam a economia gaúcha.
The roots of regional inequalities in Brazil (1872-1920)
Eustáquio Reis (IPEA) , Leonardo Monasterio (UFPel)
This paper provides historical perspectives on regional economic inequalities in Brazil. It analyzes the changes in the spatial concentration of economic activities in Brazil based upon data on the municipal distribution of the labor force by occupation from the Censuses of 1872 and 1920. The New Economic Geography provides the analytical framework to show how geography, technology and institutions combined give industrial preeminence to the city of São Paulo and why the accelerated industrial growth of São Paulo had such a limited and delayed effects in the rest of the country. In short, the significant reduction in transport costs brought by railroads stimulated subsidized international migration as an institutional solution to the labor shortage problem. Other consequences were the increased market potential of the city of São Paulo, which triggered self-reinforcing processes of human capital accumulation, economies of scale and agglomeration externalities in the industrial sector. Regression analyses suggest that immigration, railways and economic diversity were relevant for the locational decisions in 1920. Natural resources, however, seem unimportant to explain the changes in the location of manufacturing activities between 1872 and 1920.
"Such was the scarcity in the country that there was a Guest Control Order which meant you could not invite more than fifty people for a meal - at weddings all you got was a thin slice of ice cream."Já o segundo me ensina sobre outsourcing rural:
"Bellary is home to one of India's first rural outsourcing centres, run by Indian steel maker JSW Steel Limited. The organisation has started two small operations on its Bellary campus, hiring young women from nearby villages to work in their rural processing centres. Here the girls spend their shifts punching in details of American patients' dental records, typing in a language many of them have only recently learned, using a machine many had never seen or heard of before. Twenty-year-old Savithri Amma has a basic high school diploma. She earns about $80 (£40) a month doing this work - the same as one of her peers might earn working as a house-help in Mumbai."
"Comércio perde aderência
A microeconômica regional sofre com a concorrência paraguaia. As baixas taxas comerciais cobradas no Paraguai atraem cada vez mais brasileiros ao mundo: La garantía soy yo. Um dos produtos mais visados atualmente são pneus. Muitas vezes por estarem tão sujos de lama quanto os antigos, eles nem entram na cota de importação dos produtos adquiridos no Paraguai."
Festival de besteiras em três linhas!
1) O cara erra no título: afinal utilizar “Comércio perde aderência” para se referir a muamba de pneus é o pior trocadilho que li nos últimos anos.
2) Depois, se refere à “microeconômica regional”. Valei-me meu São Varian!
3) Em seguida se sai com esta: “As baixas taxas comerciais cobradas no Paraguai atraem cada vez mais brasileiros ao mundo: La garantía soy yo”. Repara que o mundo a que ele se refere é, presumo, Ciudad del este, antigamente chamada de Puerto Stroessner. It`s a very small world...
4) Aí o cara erra na concordância: “Um dos produtos mais visados ultimamente são os pneus”. Mas, afinal, que mal há em cometer erros de concordância verbal? Até o presidente se engana com os plurais, não é mesmo?
5) Finalmente, diz que os pneus sujos comprados por brasileiros não entram na cota de importação dos produtos adquiridos por brasileiros no Paraguai. Na certa os fiscais são preconceituosos...
"O plano também expunha, com o passar do tempo, uma contradição endógena: a sobrevalorização do real liquidava as reservas."
We develop an economic geography model in which mobile skilled workers choose
between working in the production sector or becoming part of an unproductive political elite. The elite sets tax rates on skilled and unskilled workers to maximize its own welfare by extracting rents, thereby influencing the spatial allocation of production and changing the available range of consumption goods. We show that such behavior increases the likelihood of agglomeration and of urban primacy. In equilibrium, the elite may tax the unskilled workers but will never tax the skilled workers, and there are rural-urban transfers towards the agglomeration.
The size of the elite and the magnitude of the tax burden that falls on the unskilled is shown to decrease with product differentiation and, via the tax rates, with the expenditure share for manufacturing goods
Uma das características mais marcantes da história política brasileira na segunda metade do século XIX foi a centralização de poderes, decisões e recursos econômicos no Rio de Janeiro, sede do governo imperial. Esta primazia do governo imperial sobre os governos provinciais e municipais se manifestava tanto em termos de atribuições quanto dos recursos fiscais de que dispunha. O objetivo do artigo é medir a contribuição relativa das províncias dos chamados Norte e Sul do Império para o total das receitas e despesas do governo central. Os resultados a que se chegou indicam uma contribuição desproporcional das províncias do Norte para a arrecadação central, o que vai ao encontro das observações de contemporâneos, bem como pesquisas anteriores sobre o tema.
The purpose of this paper is to test whether the New Economic Geography hypothesis concerning the existence of a spatial wage structure applies to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The first part of the study applies several spatial analysis techniques in order to locate industrial clusters and calculate the market potential of the municipalities studied. The second part uses this information together with demographic data to run wage regressions aimed at capturing the effects of agglomeration and urban economies on individual wages. The results do not falsify the hypothesis that nominal wages, using the proper controls, are higher in municipalities with higher market potential and lower in the economically disadvantaged hinterland of the state.
Um preço de 100 cai 5%. No momento 2 estará em 95. Se continuar em 5% de queda, a segunda derivada é zero, mas o preço cai para 90,25. No momento seguinte, para 85,74. E assim por diante.
No meu comentário, digo que chega uma hora em que o preço tem que estabilizar – ao contrário da alta de preços, onde vale o conceito de preço nominal. Ou seja, o produto vai para 90, 88, 86 até que chega uma hora em que estabiliza.
Clima e Europa fazem leite subir 60 vezes mais do que a inflação
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A ABER – Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais realizará este ano o seu V Congresso, em Recife, entre 24 a 26 de Outubro. Submeta seu trabalho! http://www.venaber.com.br/
O RSAI World Congress 2008 será realizado na FEA/USP, São Paulo, entre 17 e 19 de março de 2008. Visite o site e divulgue. Prepare-se para participar. Os associados da ABER terão um enorme desconto na taxa de inscrição. http://www.aber.fea.usp.br/rsai2008/new/htm/event/event.asp
Carlos Azzoni
Membro do Conselho Científico da ABER
Membro do Council of the RSAI"
Eight in ten people have no formal jobs; inflation, officially estimated at more than 3,700%, may actually be twice as high.
So President Robert Mugabe has decided to try to do something about the galloping prices of basic goods. Ignoring protests from Gideon Gono, the governor of the central bank, Mr Mugabe, who famously despises “bookish economics”, has sent the police in to order shopkeepers to slash their prices, forcing them to sell at a loss. The predictable result is huge crowds waiting outside shops to rush in and grab whatever they can while the going is good. Factories are threatened with being taken over if they stop production. Hundreds of shopkeepers have been arrested, accused of not lowering their prices enough.
"Meu vizinho conhece 200 tipos de vinho, eu só conheço 2. Mas eu conheço 200 tipos de países enquanto ele só conhece dois: 'Desenvolvidos' e 'Subdesenvolvidos'."
This paper proposes that colonialism is a major explanation behind today's differences in income inequality across countries. We argue that income inequality has been higher in the colonies where the percentage of European settlers to total population was higher, as long as Europeans remained a minority. The countries where Europeans became the majority of the population did not suffer from high inequality. These initial differences continue to hold today. The empirical evidence we provide strongly supports our thesis.
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